Dennis Crosby: Helping Entrepreneurs Save Their Marriages and Thrive


Marriage troubles can derail even the most successful entrepreneurs. Dennis Crosby, a former seven-figure business owner turned marriage coach, knows this firsthand. Drawing from over a decade of coaching experience and his own entrepreneurial journey, he now helps business owners navigate one of life’s most challenging transitions – marriage crisis.

Building Stronger Foundations

“Marriage crisis is one of the darkest times in most men’s life. When that’s messed up, everything’s messed up,” Dennis explains. His coaching practice focuses on helping men rebuild stability in their marriages, creating an environment where their spouses feel loved and cherished while preventing generational trauma. The results speak for themselves. “I’ve had guys who went from separated with divorce papers filed all the way to the divorce being called off and moving back in together,” Dennis shares. “I’ve had women with their rings off come back and say ‘Hey, I want to try again.'” Some couples have even moved to new cities for fresh starts after reconciling.

Before becoming a marriage coach, Dennis built and ran a successful business for 10 years. However, he found his true calling lay elsewhere. “Personal development has been my passion. I’ve invested probably upwards of a million dollars into my own personal growth and evolution,” he notes. This investment, combined with extensive experience managing predominantly female teams, gave him unique insights into relationship dynamics.

The Three Core Focus Areas

Dennis’s approach centers on three main areas that often cause friction in entrepreneurs’ marriages:

  1. Reactivity Management: “A big one we work on is reactivity – the offensiveness, anger, really not being able to communicate with their wives without it turning into a problem,” he explains. Learning to communicate effectively prevents minor disagreements from escalating into major conflicts.
  2. Leadership Within Marriage: “Are they creating an environment where their wife’s needs are able to get met? Are they focused on making sure their wife’s needs are getting met along with their own?” Dennis emphasizes the importance of active participation in household decisions and family life beyond just earning income.
  3. Connection and Intimacy: The program addresses “polarity, attraction, all those types of things” that keep marriages vibrant. This includes both emotional and physical intimacy, essential elements that often get neglected during business building.

Preventive Measures for Entrepreneurs

For business owners looking to prevent marriage troubles before they start, Dennis offers straightforward advice: “Just keep the relationship a priority. Doesn’t have to be your number one priority, but it needs to be a priority,” he stresses. “Take 1 to 10% of what you invest in your business and put it into your marriage. You’ll probably be fine.” This investment can take various forms. “If you read 10 books a year for your business, if one of those is a marriage book, you’re probably going to learn some things and make some shifts each year,” Dennis suggests. “If you go to five, four conferences a year, make one of them about your marriage. Make it a marriage retreat.”

Unlike traditional therapy, Dennis’s program integrates multiple modalities and perspectives. “Because I’ve experienced a large chunk of what’s out there in some way, shape, or form, I can take what is best with all those things and bring it into something that gives the best and fastest results for people,” he explains. His three-to-six-month program provides individualized attention to help men turn their marriages around. Rather than getting stuck in labels or diagnoses, Dennis focuses on practical solutions: “We look at relationships in a way that allows people to get results and takes away all the clutter.”

Through his work, Dennis continues helping entrepreneurs maintain strong marriages while building successful businesses. To learn more about his approach to marriage coaching, visit his LinkedIn or website

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